Your Questions, Answered

Common Questions

Need-to-Know Basics

Curious about what to expect from coaching? Here’s a rundown of common questions about my services.

Empower Your Love Life: As a relationship coach for women, I understand the unique challenges and experiences that women face in the dating world. I’m here to help you navigate these challenges and empower your love life.

Build Healthy Relationships: Through relationship coaching, you’ll learn how to build healthy, fulfilling relationships. You’ll gain the tools and insights needed to attract and maintain a relationship with a partner who respects and values you.

Improve Self-Esteem: Relationship coaching isn’t just about dating—it’s also about improving your self-esteem and self-worth. You’ll learn to value yourself and understand that you deserve a healthy, happy relationship.

Develop Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is key to successful relationships. Through relationship coaching, you’ll learn how to better understand your own emotions and those of others, leading to deeper, more meaningful connections.

Create Balance: Striking a balance between your personal life, career, and relationships can be challenging. As a relationship coach, I can help you find this balance, ensuring that no area of your life is neglected.

Invest in Your Future: By choosing relationship coaching, you’re making an investment in your future. The skills and insights you gain will benefit you not only in your current relationships but in all future relationships as well.


First, I would recommend reading everything on the main consulting page and making a judgement call for yourself whether or not you think I can help you. 

If you think I can help you, you’ll need to fill out the client questionnaire and be as detailed as you need to be. This questionnaire helps me understand where you’re at and decide if I think we’re a good fit to work together. 

Once you have submitted the questionnaire and I think we might be a good fit, you’ll get an email from me within 3-5 business days with a Calendly link on booking a FREE strategy call via Zoom video or audio. This call will likely run between 30-45 mins, depending on the situation. 

During the strategy call, I’ll give you more detail about who I am and what I do, and I’ll also get more information about your specific dating / relationship challenge. You’ll also have the chance to ask me any questions you have before we move forward in the process. 

By the end of the strategy call, if we’re both feeling good about working together, I’ll give you more info on the agreement form and how to process payment. 

Once the agreement has been signed and payment has been processed, you’ll received a New Client Welcome Packet via email for your review, and then you can set up your first official coaching session with me.  

Sure. My expertise is primarily geared towards women, but I'm open to coaching men who are a good fit for my approach. If you think we might work well together, let’s chat and see how I can help.

Currently, I focus on individual coaching to provide tailored, in-depth support. While I'm not working with couples at the moment, it's definitely something I might explore in the future.

First, you should know that  the coaching industry isn’t yet regulated by the government, so I recommend doing your homework. There are many people who may call themselves a dating and relationship coach, but few have professional training or credentials as a coach.

I’ve earned a certification through a program accredited by the International Coaching Federation, and I’m always practicing and working to improve on how I support and give value to my clients. 

I’ve dedicated seven years as a writer focusing on dating and relationship topics, and spent ten years independently studying relationship dynamics between men and women.

I’ve also been successful in sustaining my own current relationship with my man for the last 15 years, since 2007. 

Good question. The advice I offer in blog posts primarily gives you the What and the Why of a particular topic. In my consulting sessions, I’ll walk you through on the How. 

For example, if I have a post titled “10 Boundaries to Set in a New Relationship,” that tells you what with the what being the boundaries. But if you want to know HOW to set those boundaries and do so in a way that is honored, that requires time with a mentor or coach in order to implement well.  

I earned my coaching certification from the Academy of Creative Coaching back in October 2021, with a special focus on relationships. The ACC is a top-notch experience that’s accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I learned from the best, but I was also trained in ways that meet global standards for coaching excellence.
Absolutely. What works for one person might not work for another. That’s why every session we have will be shaped around what you need and what you’re aiming for. We’ll get clear on your goals, and as we move forward, we’ll tweak and adjust based on how you’re progressing. So, yes, every piece of advice, every strategy we explore is all about what’s best for you. It’s pretty much a tailored journey to getting you where you want to be in your love life.
The duration of our coaching depends entirely on your goals. While some clients experience the progress they’re after in just a few sessions, others might stick around longer to really dive deep into their personal growth journey. There’s no one-size-fits-all timeline here because real change is personal, and it happens at your own pace. What I can promise you is a clear, focused path to your goals, starting from day one. We’ll map out your journey together during our initial consultation, setting you on the most efficient path. You're in the driver's seat, and I’m here to guide and support every step of the way.
Within our coaching sessions, I arm you with an array of tools and resources tailored to foster your journey to relationship success. This includes worksheets and exercises, along with hand-picked reading materials that align with your personal goals and challenges. While one-on-one coaching is at the heart of what I offer, these additional resources are designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your progress between sessions. They’re your personal arsenal for tackling the complexities of dating and relationships with newfound clarity and confidence. It’s all about equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate your love life effectively.

Reserve Your Session!

Feeling stuck in the same old relationship patterns? Time to shake things up! Let's work together to boost your self worth, sharpen your relationship skills, and build deeper connections. Are you in?
payment and pricing

Common Payment Questions

Yes, we can make payment plans happen if you need them. It’s important to me that coaching is accessible, so if splitting the cost into manageable parts helps, let’s talk about it. I’m here to support your journey, not add stress to it. We’ll figure out a plan that suits your budget so you can focus on what really matters—your growth.

I primarily accept PayPal and Stripe. If you prefer another payment type, let me know and we might be able to work something out.

I stick to a no-refund policy because I invest a lot of effort and resources into our sessions right from the get-go. That said, I get that unexpected things can happen. If you're in a bind and can't continue with our coaching for some reason, don't hesitate to let me know. We'll look into what we can do. I prioritize finding a fair solution that respects both our commitments.

The initial consultation is on the house! This first session is all about laying the groundwork for our experience together. We'll cover your current situation, discuss your goals, and sketch out a tailor-made strategy that includes actionable steps for reaching your desired outcome. It’s a great opportunity for us to connect and for you to get a feel for how coaching can transform your love life.
Choosing to pay upfront for your coaching sessions does have its perks. While I don’t frame it as a discount, opting for this payment method is more cost-effective in the long run. It’s all about providing you with value and making your investment in personal growth as rewarding as possible.

Any More Questions?

Not finding what you need? Let me know. Submit your question below and I'll be in touch.